The City of Fairfax has various volunteers boards and commissions, which help run the city government. We thank all of the people who are willing to serve. If you are interested in being appointed to a volunteer board, contact the city clerk's office at 319-846-2204 or email and Zoning Commission
The P&Z is a seven member volunteer commission that meets monthly, on the third Tuesday at city hall. Their meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are open to the public. Each member is appointed by the Fairfax City Council to a five year term. The Commission reviews the Fairfax Zoning Code, Fairfax Zoning Map, re-zoning requests, plats, subdivisions, street improvements, and park improvements for the City of Fairfax. They make recommendations concerning these documents to the Fairfax City Council.
Current P&Z Members:
- Jeff Christensen, Chairman
- Brian Stickley
- Val Hill
- Sue Chapman
- Shawn Witham
- Chris Branstad
- Steve Huber
Library Board of Trustees
The Library Board is a seven member volunteer board that meets monthly, on the first Monday at the library. Their meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are open to the public. Two members of the Library Board live outside of the City of Fairfax, but within the library's service area. Each member is appointed by the Mayor to a six year term. The Library Board supervises the operation of the Fairfax Public Library. Current Library Board Members:
- Amy Roach, President
- Bruce Boldt, Vice President
- Patrick Fitzgerald
- Kay Moyer
- Hannah Ruwe
- Wayne Josifek
- Sally Williams
Parks and Beautification Board
The Parks and Beautification Board meets most months on the second Thursday, at 7:00 PM at City Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Members are appointed by the Fairfax City Council for a three-year term. This board makes recommendations to the City Council about needed park facilities and updates and participates in Parks & Recreation events among other duties. This group of volunteers, along with the Parks and Beautification committee, organizes the Movie/ Music in the Park as well as other events during the year. If you are interested in the Fairfax parks, come to their meetings and get involved. Everyone is welcome!
Current Parks and Beautification Board Members and terms:
- Phil Hartgrave- Chair - term ending 12/31/2026
- Cathy Krouse - Vice Chair - term ending 12/31/27
- Jill Pressler - term ending 12/31/2026
- Deanna Reynolds – term ending 12/31/2025
- Tim Mckeever - term ending 12/31/2025
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is a five member volunteer board that only meets when necessary. Their meetings vary for dates and times, but are held at city hall. Each member is appointed by Fairfax City Council. The Board of Adjustment hears requests from property owners who want to do something with their property that is not allowed by the Fairfax Zoning Code. The Board of Adjustment is the final City of Fairfax authority to rule on these requests.
Current Board of Adjustment Members:
- Cindy Anderson
- Kate Pacha
- Dave Rinderknecht
- Jim Shimek
- Kathleen Shea