Fairfax Little Free Libraries

Community involvement
Community involvement

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity through neighborhood book-sharing boxes.

Fairfax Little Free Library neighborhoods offer a way to share good things to read - favorite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue, and engage you. All of us can help by keeping the libraries in our community stocked with good reading material.

Whose Libraries are they? They belong to everybody - neighbors, friends, and people we don't even know yet. Anyone can use them. That's why we want the people of Fairfax to take care of them.

Take a book. If you see something you'd like to read, take it. Share a book. After you've read it, share it in any Little Free Library book-sharing box, or pass it on to a friend.

Fairfax now has seven charter libraries. You can find them here:

Charter #131200 - 117 Ridge Drive

Charter #162883 - 117 Ridge Drive

Charter #132324 - Driftwood Park - 465 Driftwood Lane

Charter #132325 - Hawk’s Ridge Park - 388 W Prairie Drive

Charter #169986 - Fairfax Sports & Park Complex. - 625 Linn St.

Charter #142946 - City Park - 700 Linn St.

Charter #142947 - Heartland Heights Park. 1390 Eagleview Drive.

You can also locate Little Free Libraries on the Little Free Library World Map: https://littlefreelibrary.org/ourmap/

All of our libraries, events, and giveaways are self-funded. We welcome cash donations as well as donations of kid-friendly items such as of toys, books, arts and crafts, plushies, socks, etc. that can be used for our special events and giveaways. Your support assists us in continuing our mission to build community, spark creativity, and inspire readers. Little Free Libraries EIN # 88-0963708

For more information, contact Greg or Amy Stewart at stewy@southslope.net or phone: 319-846-6280.

 CONNECT with us on social media to keep up with giveaways and current events and photo gallery