Welcome to the City of Fairfax Iowa's website.
View meeting information and documents on our Civic Web Portal. You can view the agendas and packets for: City of Fairfax City Council, Fairfax Planning and Zoning Commission, Fairfax Parks and Beautification Board, Fairfax Board of Adjustment, and the Fairfax Library Board of Trustees.
We have a new City of Fairfax, Iowa YouTube Channel. @CityofFairfaxIA Look for future videos.
The City of Fairfax is located in east central Iowa, in Linn County. We are a short distance from Cedar Rapids and a quick trip to the Iowa City and Amana areas. Our population was 2,828 in the 2020 census. We were one of the fastest growing communities in Iowa. Fairfax is a great place to live! Take a look at information about our businesses and organizations.
We currently accept Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express - in the office, on the telephone, and online!
You may pay your City of Fairfax, Iowa, utility bill online using a debit or credit card. There is a convenience fee. You will need your account number and amount due to make a utility bill payment.
Make an Online Registration Payment for Fairfax Youth Sports You may pay the registration fee for Fairfax Youth Sports online using a debit or credit card. There is a convenience fee. You will need to enter player information. You may use this link to pay permit fees. You will need to contact the city clerk's office at 319-846-2204 to verify the correct amount due for permits and to discuss required paperwork. Details about the permit will be required to make the payment. There is a convenience fee for this service.
You may make a donation to the Fairfax Parks & Rec Department, the Fairfax Fire Department or Fairfax Public Library online using a debit or credit card. There is a convenience fee for this service.
We hope you find our website useful. If you have suggestions for improvements, please send us an email.